City Defender

an unusual tower defense game

City Defender

Just and ordinary Tower Defense game but this time everybody can shoot.

Defend your stronghold by placing blockades, turrets and grenade throwers in the enemies path!

But what do you do?

Enemies spawn at the top of the map and will try to reach your stronghold at the bottom. You have to try and stop them by placing towers in their way.

Place Towers in their path or in safe-zones. Make sure to protect your towers because in this game everyone has a limitedsupply of health.

Upgrade Towers to make them stronger and replenish their health.


We started development on this game as the final project at our school and poured way to many hours into in.

For about an entire month before our deadline we would spend each starting work when coming back from school and only stoping late into the evening.

Some pictures and videos from City Defender's development

Special thanks to

DasMich, essiebes, Gwendolyn, lousystems, Sariku and everybody that helped and played during development



September 4, 2021


January 4, 2022

last changed

February 23, 2022


